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Cotton Candy Floss Fragrance Oil


$5.54 (Incl. GST)

Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

Reminiscent of Fair ground candy floss.

Soaping Notes:  This fragrance can be used in Cold Process Soap, however it is a light fragrance.  You might like to use higher than usual amount as it has a light syrupy scent, so not robust as strong base or floral fragrances.

Minor acceleration. It was a case of giving up the discolouration or intensity, so we suggest going with less discolouring.

Usage amount:  See below,
Vanilla Content:  0%
:  >60 but <93°C
Scent Type:  Sweet, foody
Shelf Life:  2 years
Safety Notes: Do not apply undiluted directly on skin
Phthalate free
Brand:  Artisan Fragrance. 
Country of Origin:
Suitable for Vegans
Gluten Free

Packaging:  Amber Glass.

CP Soapers:  If you have not soaped this previously, please undertake a trial batch to ensure this fragrance performs as you require in your formula. WE DO NOT TEST OUR FRAGRANCES IN DISCOUNTED WATER BATCHES (DWCP).

Product Yes/No    Recommended Maximum
    Usage Amount
Bar Soaps (CP, MP, HP) Yes Up to 3.39% [9]
Liquid Soap, Body & Shower Gels
(inc baby washes)
Yes Up to 3.39% [9]
Bath Products (Bath Bombs, salts, oils, soaks etc) Yes Up to 3.39% [9]
Conditioners, Shampoos (inc baby)
Facial Cleansers (washes, gels, scrubs, etc)
Yes Up to 3.39% [9]
Body creams, oils, foot creams, lotions of all types Yes Up to 5.75% [5A]
Facial Moisturisers, creams, toners Yes Up to 0.37% [5B]
Lips No [1]
Candles of all types (including encased) Yes Up to 100% [12]
Household Cleaning  and Scent Products Yes Up to 3.39% [10.A]
In compliance with IFRA standards including the 49th Amendment (published Dec 2019)


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