Picture: Farm Lotus Oils is Situated on
We believe in the scientic evidence that shows Global warming is a threat to our planet, as a consequence we are mindful of the need to take an active and genuine approach to sustainability.
We strive to manage an ongoing commitment to follow sustainable habits and methods of working.
To achieve our goals, we have created a Lotus Oils
Limited Sustainability Policy which is a work in progress and described below

Our sustainability policy
We ensure that we meet all relevant legal requirements; this has helped us in our goal to reduce our ecological & carbon
footprint on the world.
We use the following 5 steps towards sustainability. We also encourage our workers and suppliers to follow these:

How we put these steps into practice
- Purchase supplies from NZ suppliers whenever possible, to reduce travel miles.
- Insulation and Double Glazing when making alterations and additions to the work place
- We have replaced lighting to LED’s
- We employ local people.
- We strive to purchase desirable quality products and have ongoing stock control to reduce having expired stock on hand. To prevent the need to send any unsold product to waste we special off those product if not sold.
- Following NZ Hazardous substances regulations guidelines, we have installed a triple washing machine so we can recycle our empty containers and the wash water is taken away by a Recovery Company.
- We have purchased a Fume hood for safe recycling of the air into the environment and to ensure staff are not affected by strong or irritating fumes.
- We recycle packaging and empty containers. We use recyclable plastic containers or glass bottles for our products.
- Owners Vicky and Michael drive an all-electric vehicle and a hybrid car.
- Straight cutting paper shredder is utilised by staff to produce packaging to protect bottles from breaking while being transported to our customers. The paper we shred is old invoices and office waste paper. We purchase recycled bubble wrap.
- We listen to our customers and cater to individual requests for example only glass bottles and no bubble wrapping.
- We strive to purchase stationery items that have been made from recycled materials.
- Meridian Energy is our Power Company because of their sustainable Policy to use renewable power sources to produce their electricity.
- Where there is original native bush, we have sectioned this off our farm and fenced this vulnerable bush from stock. We regularly plant Native seedlings to increase the area of native bush such as Manuka and Miro, this helps negates our fossil fuel usage. We also plant shelter trees specifically for stock wellbeing. We have made areas for our staff to enjoy the outdoors and for their wellbeing while having breaks.
In Summary
The Directors of Lotus Oils Ltd are following the steps of sustainability.
We are aware of the ecological footprint we are creating and therefore we have set in motion steps to reduce
them. Also, we are striving to create a viable business at the same time as reducing our Ecological footprint.