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Home » Wendyl’s Magic Stain Balls

Wendyl’s Magic Stain Balls

Wendyl’s Magic Stain Balls Once cooked these balls of clay may look like they’d make a big mess of your stained items,  in reality they magically remove stains such as grease and bee poo. Keep these little Magic Stain Balls in a jar in the laundry and use one whenever a hard to remove stain is noticed.      
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Pearl Ash ( Potassium Carbonate ) 1kg
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Bentonite Clay (Washed Blue)
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Citric Acid
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A spare bowl that is not used for cooking.

Wooden spoon.


Oven tray lined with baking paper.



* 1/2 Cup Fuller’s Earth (commonly known as bentonite clay)

* 2 tbsp Pearl Ash (commonly known as potassium carbonate)

* 20-30ml Fresh Lemon Juice ( Or make a citric acid solution with 1/2 teaspoon powdered Citric Acid and 30ml of water).

Follow these steps:

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    Method: Mix the two powders together, then slowly add the lemon juice or citric acid solution until you have a clay-like texture. You’ll notice it heats up a little while you’re doing this. Mould the clay into balls about the size of large marbles using rubber gloves and place on an oven tray. Bake at 100°C for about three hours. You’ll know they are ready when they’ve turned form dark grey to light grey and gone hard. When cool store in an airtight container. To Use: Dampen stain and rub a ball onto it. You should see a grey, clay-like smear appear. Leave this to dry, then wash as normal.

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